Welcome to the tail end of the pandemic—hopefully. With the next phase of reopening upon us and the restrictions starting to lift, many of us will be taking advantage of travelling again. This is good. Many businesses that offer accommodations and food services have been hit hard this past year and are more than ready for their sales to pick up again.
I recently took advantage of my ability to venture out and stayed at a bed and breakfast in Sooke. I was ready for a change of scenery and a serious break from work...some alone time to reset after the stress of the past 15 months. I wasn’t comfortable trekking too far afield, and flying wasn’t an option for me considering the ongoing health situation. Local travel was a great choice because it’s a low risk proposition. It also helps our local economy, which is very important to me. Plus, there are plenty of affordable options available out there.
I have another reason for wanting to vacation closer to home. I have to confess, I really can’t travel without my trusty head pillow...and my body pillow... and mattress topper. Yes, I am that person. And if I’m completely honest, I really can’t sleep properly without my wool comforter either. So travelling to my vacation destination by car is my preference because it allows me to easily bring these bedding essentials from home.Why Go Through the Hassle of Bringing My Own Bedding?
In short, I simply find it difficult to adjust to a different bed. Vacation rentals often provide the types of mattresses and bedding that cause me to sweat. Memory foam mattresses are popular in many accommodations, yet they are the biggest contributors to overheating due to the fact that the materials they are made of don’t breathe. I’m also sensitive to allergens found in feather down. Since my goal is to relax, restore, and get a great sleep, I’ve learned to be proactive and bring those pieces from my bedding ensemble that will ensure success. As someone who owns an organic bedding store, I’ve spent a lot of time perfecting my sleep system. I know I am unique in this and yet we all need to sleep well, which is why I’m sharing a few tricks to get the most out of your next local vacation, so you can get an awesome slumber while you’re there.
- Vacation rental climate control is unpredictable; bring your own breathable blankets that will let you stay cool or layer up for warmth, as well as bring that familiar touch of home.
- Adding a natural topper made from wool or latex will help create a layer of breathability between you and a conventional or memory foam mattress that might cause you to overheat. The topper will also add a layer of softness in case it’s a mattress that is too firm, or worse, a pullout bed with a bar hitting you in the middle of your back.
- Some businesses still aren’t open, so you’re probably going to spend a lot of time in your rental. Adding touches that enhance the ambience makes your stay feel special, such as a cushion or woven basket, which are also practical. I have a couple of beloved throw pillows that I use to prop myself up when reading in bed or watching a movie.
- Bring your own head pillow. Don’t take the chance that an accommodation will have a head pillow that is the right fit for you.
- If you use a body pillow, it is well worth bringing that as well. Not only will it keep your body aligned at night, it’s fun to cuddle during all the extra lounging around you’ll be doing.
- Bring your own comforter. Keep the right temperature throughout the night with what you know works for you.
- Don’t forget your favourite beach towel and blanket. Hitting the beach or having a picnic is part of the fun while visiting a new place. Experiencing the great outdoors is rejuvenating as well as memorable, and vacation rentals don’t always supply them.
With a few comforts from home, your local holiday will be elevated to a blissful experience. Those accessories that bring us joy as well as ensure our best sleep are the ingredients for a refined and nourishing holiday that we all need right now. It’s totally worth that little bit of extra effort to bring those bedding pieces from home. Take it from me, a self professed organic bedding aficionado, you won’t regret it.